====== News ====== //News not about this page but about Vector and related topics.// {{rss>https://vector.thedroidyouarelookingfor.info/feed/ 10 date}} **20200622** - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/AnkiVector/comments/hd2x4q/how_many_objects_will_vector_recognize_vector/|Vector uses Google Vision Api to recognize objects]] **20200604** - [[http://www.deliriousdreams.co.uk/login/?appID=3|List of Vector commands]] collected by users. **20200602** - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VXYP8BPhQU|New version of Vector Control app]] that let's the robot read text and say it **20200329** - [[https://github.com/codaris/Anki.Vector.SDK|New version (0.6.6) of Vector .NET SDK]] released by Wayne Venables **20200329** - [[https://weekendrobot.com/vectorexplorer/|New version (1.0.6) of Vector Explorer]] by Wayne Venables